
7月9日,著名校园民谣组合「水木年华」主唱、清华八九级校友卢庚戌携电影处女作《怒放之青春再见(Forever Young)》亮相纽约联合国总部,以“为梦而生”主题用英文分享他的追梦人生。卢庚戌强调“坚持”和“执着”是他成功的关键,“每个人都有梦想,但不是每个人都能实现。我是一个幸运的人,我的三个梦想都实现了:一是想读中国最好的大学,我考上了清华。二是想做一名歌手,三是想拍电影。当然每个梦想的实现都不容易,尤其是第二个梦想。现在有时我都在想,连我这种没有任何嗓音天赋的人都能成为著名歌手,还有谁不能成功呢?…….电影里有一句话我想送给大家:人的一生中至少有两次奋不顾身,一次为爱情,一次为梦想。”(卢庚戌演讲英文及中文稿附后)






意犹未尽的观众在电影放映结束后又与卢庚戌进行了深入的交流。卢庚戌说,“我觉得上个世纪九十年代时年轻人的生活是特别有理想的,而且为爱可以不顾一切,所以我就想创作这样一部电影。开始只打算写青春的那一部分,后来在朋友的建议下,我又增加了中年,也就是二十年后的这一部分,希望这部片子给那些已经不再青春的朋友一个出口,就像这个电影的名字一样希望他们 “Forever Young”。卢庚戌最后还与大学时代的音乐搭档、全美华人金融协会会长魏晨阳校友一起演唱了“野百合也有春天”等成名歌曲,在热烈掌声中圆满结束了此次活动。








附件: 卢庚戌联合国“为梦而生” 演讲稿 (英文和中文)

Live For My Dreams

Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman, I’m Lu Gengxu.

It’s my pleasure to be here to share with you about my new movie “Forever Young”. This movie is about a group of Chinese college students who were born in the 1970’s. It’s about pursuing love and dreams through music. In this movie, you will get to see me. So the theme of my speech today is Live for My Dreams.

Everyone has dreams. However, not everyone could accomplish them. I’m really lucky that so far all my three dreams have come true.

My first dream was to get into the best university in China, which I did, by getting admitted to a top one, the Tsinghua University in Beijing. After college, then came the second dream, I wanted to be a singer.  Now I got the third, my movie dream.

Of course, none of these dreams came easily, especially the second one. Even now I still wonder sometimes how a person with no vocal talent like I was then could become a professional singer, well, who else could not? So here is how it all began.

In 1989, I got into the Tsinghua University to study architecture. Everyone in Tsinghua studied hard. But what I wanted was to Find-A-Girl friend.

However, in Tsinghua, finding a girlfriend was very very hard. At that time, the boy-to-girl ratio on campus was six to one, meaning on average, there were six guys running after one girl regardless of how she looked.

So what could I do? I realized at that time campus singers were very popular. Each of them had a girlfriend, a good-looking one. Thus, I decided to become a campus singer.

I bought a guitar and started practicing every day. I practiced in the morning after waking up, after lunch and even after self-study sessions at night. Well, as you know, my voice was bad back then. At last, my roommates couldn’t take it anymore. They threw me out along with my guitar.

But I am a persistent man. So I changed my practice place. I chose the washroom where acoustics was excellent .I remembered clearly that once a student came to me, patted my shoulder and said slowly: other singers sing for money, but you sing to take lives, you are killing us. Well at last, someone threw beer bottles at me and I ran away.

Even after all these, I was still very persistent. I continued my practice at the lawn. Just like that, my whole freshman year passed in practicing my guitar. In my sophomore year, there was a “Campus Singing Competition”. With no hesitation, I signed up for it. And of course, the result was brutal. The judges thought my singing was too bad. I didn’t even get into the final round.

But, what was my biggest strength again? Yes, persistence. In my junior year, I became smarter. I teamed up with a friend who took care of the singing part. And I just played the guitar and sang the chorus with him. In this way, we won the second place of the competition. And the next year, I found one lead singer and one chorus singer. And for me, I only played the guitar. So what was the result? We won! And the lead singer is right here. He is Jason Wei.

Just like that, I headed towards my music dream and spent my shining bright college time in Tsinghua University.

I made a decision in my graduation year, I wanted to become a singer. To my surprise, my parents were totally against this idea. My dad even warned to kick me out. However, I was really confident back then. I told my parents: give me one more year and I surely would be famous.

Well I was wrong. From 1994 to 2000, I sent all the songs I wrote to record companies, but no one responded. Once I got a call from a record company and I was so excited .I biked half a day to get there just to find out that they only wanted to buy one of my songs and they had no interest in signing me on.

Time passed by. Some of my friends went abroad, and others started their own businesses. But for me, I gave up a great career in architecture, lived in an old and shabby apartment and even got starved sometimes. Everyone asked “What do you want? Are you crazy?”

Later I met Mr. Chen--a famous producer by chance. Back then he just opened a record company in Beijing. He was the only one that I hadn’t sent my songs to. After carefully listening, he gave really high marks to my songs. And I thought, well, this time, maybe it would all work out.

Unfortunately, he then said that both my singing skills and my voice were bad. I wasn’t born with the talents needed for a singer. My mind suddenly blanked out. Still I did not want to give up. I asked him: is there really no possibility at all? And he said, in my forty years’ experience, not at all. Before I left, I told him that I would practice more and come back later. He said “you are the most stubborn person I’ve ever met in my whole life”.

After I got home, I spent two days self-debating: should I quit or continue? I was 27 then. My singer friends were already famous when they were 27, like Lao Lang, Zheng Jun, Gao Xiaosong. But I still needed to catch up with the singing basics. I might have been too old, but on the other hand, I was thinking, how many times in one’s life can he pursue, with no hesitation?

I chose to continue.

In my earnest pursuit I found a vocal trainer and started an unusual vocal practice. It was the Pharyngeal Vocal Exercise. Simply put, it’s about mimicking sounds of animals. So I exercised my voice day and night.  Later on, my friends all got used to my sudden YELL OUT when we were together.  So how was my practice like later? Well, every day at sunset, I mimicked dog barking. At first I wasn’t that good so it was only me barking all the time. But I got better, and half a year later, every time I barked, all the dogs in the village barked with me.

Two years later, I borrowed some money from my parents, to produce my own album. I told my mom: This is my last chance. If I fail, I’ll quit. But if I never try it, I’d never get my mind off it. So I used the money to produce my very first album, my first step towards my music dream. In 2001, my song “You are Always by My Side” made a big hit, and I became an influential singer in China.

This is about my music dream. There’s a line in the movie that I want to share with you: In our whole life, at least there are two times when we should devote ourselves without any hesitation: One for our love and the other for our dreams.

Thank you all. Now please enjoy the movie.



女士们先生们,晚上好. 我是卢庚戌。






















